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About Us

History of Idris Mosque

Idriss Mosque is a non-profit religious organization established in 1981. Idriss Mosque is the flagship Mosque for Seattle in Washington State. It was the first mosque west of the Mississippi River designed in an Arabesque architecture style.


Idriss Mosque is not a membership organization and welcomes thousands of worshipers and visitors every year regardless of creed, ethnicity, race, culture, background, etc.


The mosque offers a variety of services and activities for Muslims and non-Muslims to improve our communities and relationships in the greater Seattle and Puget Sound regions of the Northwest.


Idriss Mosque is a gift, from Allah to Seattle and the Northwest region, through the late Sheikh Abdul Kadir Idriss of Saudi Arabia whose generosity in purchasing land and financing the mosque, as a place to benefit all peoples from throughout the world, as well as within the United States of America is a blessing.


The design and construction of Idriss Mosque were developed and overseen, by Adnan Idriss, son-in-law of Sheikh Abdul Kadir Idriss along with his wife, Sister Ameerah; the daughter of Sheikh Idriss. Idriss Mosque is a long-standing participating member of Seattle Interfaith community.


The Mosque is Seattle media relations hub offering Islamic information and knowledge to the Islamic community as well as to the media and, at local and national public events


The Mosque is administered by a permanent Board of Trustees.


Idriss Mosque Mission:

The Islamic Center of Washington in collaboration with Sheikh Idriss Mosque resolves to ensure opportunities provided both Muslims and non-Muslims, for gaining knowledge and understanding, in the religion of Islam. We are resolved to develop, create and empower [upright] competent ambassadors to represent Islam to the public and all Muslim communities. We will work to establish positive relationships in America with our diverse Islamic families, partners, and communities through extending friendships, for strengthening relationships, bonds and building a solid foundation, for the future of Islam.

©2024 by Idris Mosque is a non-profit, non-partisan, tax-exempt house of worship registered as a 501(c)(3) in the Washington State

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